
Depression Vs Horoscope

When something very close to the heart is lost it could be either relationship or achievement of goals, leads to loss of interest in future. This generally leads to depression.

Depression is a mood disorder characterized by persistently low mood and a feeling of sadness and loss of interest. It is a persistent problem and not a passing one, lasting on average of six to eight months. Depression is different from fluctuations in mood. Depression even the most severe cases can be treated. Usually treated with medications physcothreaphy.Doing physical exercise really helps in overcoming depression.

Causes for Depression:
1. Life events: Relationship breakup with friends and family, Divorce, Work issues, Financial issues, Medical issues, acute stress.
2. Personality: Those with less successful coping strategies or previous life trauma are the causes.
3. Genetic factors: Having a first degree relatives with depression increases the risk.
4. Childhood Trauma.
5. Some prescription drugs also leads to depression.
6. Chronic pain syndromes , serious medical illness.
7. Abuse of Alcohol and head injuries.

Symptoms for Depression:
Loss of interest or pleasure in hobbies and activities.
Low appetite , Changes in weight.
Difficulty in sleeping, Restlessness.
Slow movement and speech.
Fatigue or loss of energy.
Loss of sexual desire.
Feeling of worthlessness or guilt.
Inability to think, concentrate, or making decisions.
Pessimistic attitude.
Thoughts of death or suicide.

Astrological factors for depression:
This comes under After birth/ short term/ Non fatal category.

Planets responsible for depression are Moon and Mercury, and if these planets are afflicted by Rahu, Saturn and Mars.
Moon: Responsible for mind, relations, and domestic happiness.
Mercury: Responsible for Courage, commonsense and communication.

Houses responsible for depression are: 3rd, 4th 6th and 8th.
3rd house: Represents courage, commonsense, communication.
4th house: Represents mind, domestic happiness and relations.
6th house: represents non co operation of situation, rivalry and disputes.
8th house: Represents loss of things and end of relationship.

Combinations for Depression:-
1. If more planets in Capricorn especially Moon, Mercury causes depression.
2. If Moon or Mercury in 3rd or 4th house and are in debilitation or afflicted or in the star lordship of 6th, 8th or 12th house lords.
3. If 3rd or 4th house lord is in 6th, 8th or 12th houses
4. If 6th, 8th, 12th house lords are in 3rd or 4th house.
5. If 3rd or 4th house bhava star lord is the owner of 6th, 8th or 12th houses.
6. If Moon or Mercury are in watery signs( Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces) and are in star lordship of 6th, 8th houses.
7. If running sub dasha period lord is in 6th or 8th house or their house lord.

Case Study :-

In the given below horoscope 3rd house lord Venus is in 6th house and in Mercury star lordship.
1. 4th house bhava star lord is in mercury which is in 6th house.
2. 6th house lord is in 8th house , 6th bhava star lord is Mars which is 4th house lord.
3. 8th house lord in 6th house and in Moon star.
4. 8th house bhava star lord is mercury which is in 6th house.
5. Moon is in 12th house, Mercury is in 6th house.
6. Three planets are in 6th house, two planets in 8th house leads to severe depression.
During 2015/2016( Venus –Jupiter dasha period).Severe depression and under treatment.