
The Square Hand

Useful or practical hand looks square across the wrist, across the base of the fingers and the very ends of the fingers and nails appear square.
Level headed, practical people, fixed conventional views, respecters of law and authority, methodical in their habits, not quarrelsome, very obstinate, determined in the views, they have logic and reason, look suspicion on any theory their minds cannot grasp. Think slowly along practical lines. Patient and obedient to those above them. Good government servants, not demonstrative in affection but are sincere and reliable in friendship disbelieve all they can’t understand.

Square Hand With Short Fingers :

Palm looks more important than the fingers, which or short and blunt looking.These are true materialist, with no vision, no identity, doubting Thomas, The man who can’t honestly believe unless he feels the flesh and blood of reality. Believes in nothing outside of himself. He denies all spiritual things. Worship the god of gold.Slowly and steadily accumulates wealth, with dogged determination.

Square Hand With Long Fingers :

• Higher development of mentality.
• Grasp the things of the intellectual world, and at the same time applies facts, reason and logic.
• Can become the scientist, the doctor, surgeon, analytical lawyer.
• Can reach beyond the purely material.

Square Hand with Knotty (or) Philosophic Fingers :

• Long fingers but with knotty joints.
• Class of higher mind.
• Practical and philosophical.
• Excellent architects, mathematicians and research workers in scientific pursuits.
• They choose some profession in preference to a business life.
• Great readers of deep literature, write well whatever they choose.

Square Hand with Spatulate Fingers :

• They are irregular in appearance, look as if they disjointed, easily bent backward.
• These people are original and inventive.
• Inventions relating to machines to save labour of all sorts, such as agricultural, weaving, spinning, printing and so forth.
• Excel in engineering and in the execution of large projects.
• They don’t know the word impossible.

Square Hand with Conic Fingers :

• This type produces a combination of practical with artistic.
• Greater chances of success then if the entire hand is purely conic or artistic.
• Excel in music or in composition of music or in literature.
• Square hand represents practicality and level headedness.
• Square hand gives the power of application and the methodical perseverance absolutely necessary to support the inspirational faculties of the musician.
• Tones of fantasy
• Useful for literary people and musicians and composers.
• Gives solid foundation of imagination – writers, musicians.

Square Hand with Mixed Fingers :

• Indicates versatility of ideas or talents, ranging from inspirational to the scientific, a person who could discuss almost any subject with greatest facility.
• Lack of continuity in works and ideas.