
Diabetes in Horoscope

Imbalance or deficiency of insulin which is produced by Pancreas leads body cells to improper utilization of glucose from blood. This condition is called diabetes.

When the food is digested in stomach it is converted into glucose particles. These glucose particles will enter into blood stream and get supplied to everybody cell. These glucose particles are like energy packets for body cells.

Pancreas which is an Endocrine gland produces insulin and glucagon to control blood sugar levels in our body. Insulin helps the body cells to take glucose particles from blood. If the insulin production is not adequate or body cells are not able to consume glucose particles properly these glucose particles will be accumulated in the blood and will be sent out from body through urination. This condition is diabetic.

There are two types of diabetes:
Type -1 :
a) In this case body does not produce insulin
b) Need to take Insulin Injection for lifetime.
c) 10 % of diabetic cases are Type 1.

Type-2 :
a) In this case body does not produce enough Insulin or body cells don’t react to insulin ( Insulin resistance)
b) 90% diabetic cases are Type 2.

Symptoms of Diabetes:
1) Frequent Urination
2) Intensive Hunger
3) Thirst
4) Fatigue
5) Weight Imbalance, Wounds will not heal, Sexual Inability, Shivering of hands and feet
6) Tiredness
7) Dehydration
8) Irritability due to lack of energy
9) Blurred vision
10) Gum Diseases

Causes for diabetes:
• Irregularity of diet
• Improper diet
• Lack of exercise
• Obesity
• Smoking
• Alcohol
• Hormonal Imbalance

Astrological combinations for Diabetes:
Diabetes will come under after birth-Long term-Incurable-Non Fatal Category.

Planets responsible for diabetes: - Jupiter, Venus, Moon and Mars
Jupiter: rules Pancreas, Liver, Carbohydrates and arterial blood.
Venus: rules entire Hormonal system.
Moon: rules blood
Mars: rules blood disorders

Houses responsible for diabetes:- 5th ,6th and 12th.
5th House:- Rules stomach and digestion, Food habits.
6th House:- Rules Pancreas, digestion.
12th House:- Long suffering.

Combinations for Diabetes:
1) If Jupiter or Venus is in 6th ,8th or 12th houses with 6th house lord as their star lord.
2) If Jupiter or Venus is lord of 6th house or 6th bhava star lord.
3) If Jupiter or Venus afflicted with 6th, 8th or 12th house lords.
4) If Moon or Mars afflicted by Venus or Jupiter which is owner of 6th, 8th or 12th house.
5) If 5th or 6th house lords or their bhava star lords are in 6th, 8th or 12th houses.
6) If running dasa period lords are afflicted by Venus, Jupiter, which are owners of 6th,8th or 12th houses.

Case Study:
Given below Horoscope:

1) 6th Lord is Venus
2) 12th Bhava Star Lord is Venus which causes long term chronicle disease.
3)Jupiter (which represents Pancreas) is in 8th House.
4) In D9 Chart Jupiter is the 6th House Lord.
Rahu is The 6th Bhava Star Lord which causes long term incurable disease.
5) He has been running Venus, Sun, Moon, Mars and Rahu dashas from his 4th year. Sun and Mars are in Venus Star Lordship (Which is his 6th Lord)
6) During Sun Maha Dasha he got affected with Diabetes.
7) Continuous running of affected planets (Venus – 6th Lord, Sun and Mars are in Venus Lordship, Rahu 6th Bhava Star Lord, Jupiter 8th Bhava Star Lord)
8) During Rahu – Rahu Dasha (during 2018) he is severely affected because Rahu is his 6th Bhava Star Lord